A Smart IoT Urban Flood Monitoring System Using a High-Performance Pressure Sensor with LoRaWAN

Matthew Christian L. Te, Joaquin Antonio T. Bautista, Shaquille Michael Edward V. Dimacali, Angelo Victor M. Lood, Marina Graciella M. Pangan, Alvin Y. Chua


The Philippines faces frequent flooding and significant loss of life and property. Current flood monitoring systems (FMS) are outdated, causing delays in information distribution and mitigation efforts. Therefore, this study presents the development of a pressure sensor-based system with LoRaWAN capability for continuous, remote flood detection. The FMS PVC housing design was iterated upon by changing lengths, diameters, and mounting systems. Moreover, each of the parts was modeled, simulated, and tested in ANSYS and evaluated with simulated real-world physical and environmental conditions. The FMS is equipped with LoRaWAN transmission and solar charging, which transmits data to The Things Network, where it is then visualized in Packetview. The resulting FMS design and mounting were robust and were able to withstand flooding conditions. The battery and solar panel are also sufficient in continuously powering the FMS. Moreover, the FMS was also able to withstand various tests with minimal sensor errors. The FMS holds the potential to enhance flood monitoring in the Philippines, offering localized, cost-effective, and near-real-time solutions for better disaster preparedness and response strategies. The FMS utilized the accurate theory equation that resulted in a flood height error as low as 1.12% in testing and 1.81% in rain. Furthermore, it is resistant to external disturbances as the system takes 0.5 seconds to stabilize, while continuous disturbances resulted in errors ranging from 0% to 3%.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-04

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Flood Monitoring System (FMS); Pressure Sensor; LoRaWAN; Internet of Things (IoT); Solar Powered.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-04


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Copyright (c) 2024 Matthew Christian L. Te, Joaquin Antonio T. Bautista, Shaquille Michael Edward V. Dimacali, Angelo Victor M. Lood, Marina Graciella M. Pangan, Alvin Y. Chua