Towards Bayesian Quantification of Permeability in Micro-scale Porous Structures – The Database of Micro Networks

Babak Fazelabdolabadi, Mohammad Hossein Golestan


This article develops a Bayesian framework to quantify the absolute permeability of water in a porous structure from the geometry and clustering parameters of its underlying pore-throat network. These parameters include the network's diameter, transivity, degree, centrality, assortativity, edge density, K-core decomposition, Kleinberg’s hub centrality scores, Kleinberg's authority centrality scores, length, and porosity. In addition, the incorporated clustering aspects of the networks have been determined with respect to several clustering criteria: edge betweenness, greedy optimization of modularity, multi-level optimization of modularity, and short random walks. As such, the article takes the first steps towards creating a database of micro-networks for micro-scale porous structures, to be used as the main input stream for the proposed Bayesian scheme.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-04-02

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Absolute Permeability; Bayesian Network; Database of Micro Networks; Porous Structures.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-04-02


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