Assessment of the Perceptions of Pre-service Teachers towards Practical Work in the Context of Scientific-technological Literacy

L. Aragón


This research aims to analyze the perceptions of future preschool teachers towards the application of practical work. This study is part of a more comprehensive teaching innovation project, which aims to contribute to the scientific and technological literacy of teachers in initial training. Three practical activities were designed from the topic Didáctica del Medio Natural at the University of Cádiz (Spain) and implemented during the 2018-2019 year. After their completion, a questionnaire was provided of three closed questions Likert type with five levels. The student's answers were analysed from a quantitative approach taking into account aspects: (1) Usefulness for professional training; (2) Degree of satisfaction with contents; and (3) Degree of utility for your future teaching career. Results indicate that students, in general, were very satisfied with the development of the practical work designed. However, their opinions varied when they considered their usefulness for future teaching work. In conclusion, results indicate that practical work allows future teachers to increase their interest in science. However, it can be advised of the necessity to look for spaces to be able to discuss the learning acquired and to be able to adapt these practices to the children's classroom to consider their didactic potential.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-03-04

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Environmental Science; Practical Work; Scientific-technological Literacy; Teacher Initial Training.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-03-04


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