Innovative Label Embedding for Food Safety Comment Classification: Fusion of Self-Semantic and Self-Knowledge Features

Yiming Zhang, Haozheng Liu, Jiaming Feng, Xu Zhang


Food safety comment classification represents a specialized task within the realm of text classification. The objective is to efficiently identify a large volume of food safety comments, aiding relevant authorities in timely food analysis and safety alerts. Traditional methods typically employ one-hot encoding for label processing. However, in real-world situations, classified labels often convey valuable semantic information and guidance. This paper introduces an innovative approach to enhance the classification performance of food safety comments by embedding label information. Initially, we extracted generic sentiment pivot words from various classification labels as label description information. Subsequently, we employ a joint embedding approach to integrate this label description information into the text. This process will pool the expressions of the pivot word into the corresponding sentiment labels in the known domains after averaging to get the embedded expression. This aims to acquire highly detailed self-semantic feature vectors and self-knowledge feature vectors that are integrated with labeled descriptive information. Then, feed the semantic representation of comments and the word-embedded representation of labeled description information into a time-step-based multilayer Bi-LSTM and a step-based multilayer CNN, respectively. Ultimately, we concatenate these two feature vectors to facilitate matching, thereby fusing the self-semantic and self-knowledge features of labeled description information to train a classification model for food safety comments. Experimental results on the food safety comment dataset showcase a noteworthy improvement of 1.74% and 1.27% in Macro_Precision and Macro_F1 metrics, respectively, compared to BERT, BERT-RNN, and BERT-CNN. Through extensive ablation experiments and additional studies, our method effectively embeds labeling information, demonstrating a clear advantage over traditional methods in the task of classifying food safety comments.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-01-013

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BERT; Label Embedding; Siamese Network; Pre-trained Models; Short Text Classification; Food Safety Lead Discovery.


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