Optimization of Microeconomic Models Under Integrated Partial Differential Equations

Linwen Huo, Shumin Wei, Ianwei Wang


Objectives: This study aims to optimize microeconomic models under integrated partial differential equations, focusing on microeconomics and mathematics. Specifically, it examines the optimization of a Microeconomic model in university management, considering the balance between teaching and research activities within departments. Methods/Analysis: The study employs integrated partial differential equations to model the behavior of individuals and firms in a market economy, coupled with microeconomic principles. It analyzes the competitive nature of teaching and research activities within a university department, accounting for resource allocation, suitability of materials, and the challenge of modifying departmental makeup in the short term. Novelty/Improvement: The novelty lies in integrating microeconomic modeling with mathematics, offering a comprehensive approach to university management optimization. By considering the competitive dynamics between teaching and research, as well as the constraints imposed by academic tenure and resource allocation, the model more closely reflects the reality of Higher Education institutions. Findings: The study demonstrates that the proposed model achieves an accuracy of 95% in optimizing resource allocation between teaching and research activities while maintaining quality and adhering to financial constraints. This finding underscores the effectiveness of integrating microeconomic principles with mathematical techniques in addressing complex management challenges within academic institutions.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-09

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Optimization; Microeconomic Models; Integrated Partial Differential Equations; University Management.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-09


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