Improving Sensing Measurements Using Laser Self-Mixing Interference in Non-Line-of-Sight Optical Communication via Systems

Sichen Lu, Changying Guo


Objective: Mobile robots leverage laser self-mixing interference for sensing in non-line-of-sight optical communications, allowing for a wide range of measures such as distance, velocity, and displacement, while also improving accuracy and flexibility in robotic navigation and interaction. Interference, restricted range, and sensitivity to environmental factors are challenges that affect the precision and reliability of sensing measures. Methods: This paper presents a detailed introduction to theory and various algorithms of channel estimation in wireless communication. Combining the characteristics of UV channels, a channel estimation algorithm suitable for UV optical communication systems is selected, and relevant simulations are carried out. A theoretical analysis of channel estimation SNR and a proposed angle measurement method using laser self-mixing interference are discussed. A device is designed to implement this method, utilizing self-mixing interferometric fringe counting to measure rotation displacement in mobile robots. Findings: In results, sensing measurement and modality are employed for SNR and robotic localization performance. Distance (15 dB), velocity (12 dB), and object shape (18 dB) in SNR and laser range finder (5 cm), camera (15 cm), and LiDAR (3 cm) in robotic localization performance. Conclusion: Incorporating laser self-mixing interference effects into non-line-of-sight optical communication for mobile robotics enhances sensing precision across diverse measurements, fostering robustness and adaptability in dynamic environments.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-012

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Mobile Robots; Displacement Measurement; Non-Line-of-Sight Optical Communication Signal Processing; Systems, Channel Estimation; Optical Feedback Self-Mixing Interference; Angle Measurement.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-04-012


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