Automatic Recognition Technology of Library Books Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model

Jianping Hu, Yongkang Yan, Zhengguang Xie


Background: The development of technological devices has changed many facets of our lives, particularly the way we engage with information and learning. The advent of automated technology for identification has had a had a revolutionary effect on how we read and organize books within the context of books and data searches. It starts by solving the difficulties in analyzing photos of book pages by using methods such as distortion rectification and book separation. Objective: The research compares the effectiveness of the suggested method with traditional straight-line identification techniques using real-world testing. Methodology: The Skip-Gram model in Word2Vec is used to accurately represent spoken language, allowing word vectors to be generated and input data to be preprocessed for CNN. The results show that the methodology created regarding the present investigation works better than alternatives concerning accuracy and efficiency during line identification. Result:This work advances the field of book suggestion systems by presenting a strong and effective method that leverages CNNs. The findings demonstrate deep learning techniques may be used to optimize system recommendations and improve customer service and happiness in a variety of contexts. This technique creates a bridge between natural language processing and picture evaluation and opens up new possibilities for suggestion advancement along with user satisfaction.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-01-015

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Automatic Book Recognition; Convolutional Neural Network; Image Correction; Image Retrieval.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-01-015


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