Simulation of Vehicular Bots-Based DDoS Attacks in Connected Vehicles Networks

Siti Fatimah Abdul Razak, Ku Yee Fang, Noor Hisham Kamis, Anang Hudaya Muhammad Amin, Sumendra Yogarayan


Connected vehicles are more vulnerable to attacks than wired networks since they involve rapid mobility, continuous data flow across connected nodes, and dynamic network design in a distributed network environment. Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) is one of the most common and dangerous security attacks on connected vehicle networks. Attackers can remotely control malicious nodes that are programmed to attack other nodes known. The compromised nodes are known as botnets, which will constantly flood the target nodes with User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, disrupting the target nodes data flow and operation. Hence, the goal of this research is to create and simulate a vehicular bot-based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) assault in connected vehicle networks. A simulation-based methodology is implemented to observe the impact of the number of bots, DDoS rate, and maximum bulk packet size on network performance. Using the NS-3 network simulator, 73 random mobile vehicle nodes with up to 100 vehicle bots were simulated, and the results are discussed. Regardless of the computational constraints, the findings from this study adds to understanding the risks and problems associated with data transmission by analyzing the impact of vehicular bot-based DDoS attacks on connected vehicle performance.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-014

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Vehicular Bot Nodes; VANET; Distributed Denial of Services; NS3.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-014


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Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Fatimah Abdul Razak, Yee Fang Ku, Noor Hisham Kamis, Anang Hudaya Muhammad Amin, Sumendra Yogarayan