The Factors Affecting Innovative Behavior: An Employee Assessment System Based on Knowledge Creation

Natineeporn Rattanawichai, Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit, Jintavee Khlaisang


Organizations thrive on the innovative behavior of their personnel, but the specific factors that influence such behavior are not widely established, especially in the Thai context. An examination of the literature reveals that the knowledge management (KM) process, which has its basis in the process of knowledge creation known as the SECI process, serves to promote innovative behavior and is a key driver of competitive advantage within innovative organizations. This research study sought to determine which factors account for success in innovation, and to establish an assessment system to evaluate employee innovation. The study sample comprised 500 employees from companies operating in the technology sector. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out, and an eight-factor model was formulated on the basis of the available data. The eight factors in the model were determined to have a significant influence on the success of innovative behavior observed in Thai companies. The relevant factors comprised Sharing of knowledge (SK), Self-efficacy (SE), Problem solving skills (PS), Collaboration ability (CA), Culture of innovation (CI), Organizational support (OS), Culture of learning (CL), and Executive leadership (EL). Within the organizational context, the findings reveal the statistically significant contribution of Sharing of knowledge, Culture of innovation, Organizational support, and Self-efficacy in the promotion of innovative behavior. The study results may prove helpful for organizations wishing to assess the innovative capabilities of their staff, while the success factors may be implemented within organizations through the practical application of an assessment system. Also, by filling a research gap in the literature review, this work will be beneficial to academics and researchers in order to better promote innovative behavior.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-012

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Sharing of Knowledge; Self-Efficacy; Problem Solving Skills; Collaboration Ability; Culture of Innovation; Organizational Support; Culture of Learning; Executive Leadership.


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