Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Coach-Player Relationship with CART-Q and SCI

Daniel Lajčin, Kateřina Bočková


Providing maximum performance in a long-term competitive load is associated with a quality relationship between the player and his coach. A coach plays one of the most important roles in an athlete's sports career and has the potential to positively or negatively impact the mental health of athletes. The aim of the presented paper is to map the bond between the quality of the relationship between the player and the coach and the sports self-confidence of elite junior tennis players. The research sample consisted of 236 elite junior tennis players competing at the national and international levels. The average age was 17.2 years. Data collection was carried out using the questionnaire methods of the Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q) and the Sport Confidence Inventory (SCI). The results found significant differences in the perception of the quality of the coaching relationship between Czech and foreign athletes. Gender differences were also found among Czech athletes. A significant relationship was found between the quality of the player-coach relationship and sports self-confidence. The results point to the connections between performance, mental well-being, and the quality of the relationship between the player and the coach and can be the basis for further studies and motivate coaches to think about whether there is a need to modify the ways of training and dealing with their athletes.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-02-01

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Player Coach Relationship; Elite Junior Tennis; Sports Self-Confidence (SCI).


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