The Impact of Digital Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior

Shpresa Mehmeti-Bajrami, Fidan Qerimi, Arbëresha Qerimi


Objectives: This research aims to measure the impact of digital marketing vs. traditional marketing on consumer behavior by analyzing their motives and reasons related to the orientation and purchase of products or services through social media and identifying the differences in marketing strategies used depending on the demographics of respondents. Methods: The research was realized based on primary data. For the realization of the research objectives and questions, a quantitative method was used, where 400 citizens of Kosovo were a part of the research. Findings: Based on the ordinary least squares (OLS) model, it turned out that the two marketing types impact consumer buying behavior, but digital marketing turned out to be the indicator with the greatest impact on deciding to make purchases. Also, based on the t-test and ANOVA, there was no significant difference in using traditional and digital marketing types depending on demographic variables. Novelty/improvement:Through this research, businesses receive comments on the preferences of citizens for the marketing type and the possible offers depending on the preferences, as well as the impact of traditional and digital marketing on the purchasing behavior of consumers.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-03-08

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Digital Marketing; Traditional Marketing; Consumer Buying Behavior.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-03-08


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