Innovation for People with Disabilities in Hospitality Industry: A Theoretical Approach
Hotels are forms of businesses connected to the entire system of production and distribution of tourist products. Essentially, they provide hospitality goods and services to travelers, individuals with different profiles and interests, and thus play a very important role in the tourism sector. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to point out the theoretical approach of innovation in the context of its utilization in hotels for individuals with disabilities. We have reviewed the existing theoretical approaches to innovation and then analyzed their applicability in the tourism sector. Based on the findings, we developed theoretical approaches, such as the coupling theory and the innovation diffusion theory, that can be applied to the target sectors and provide valuable insights to the relevant actors. Research shows that innovation, whether it concerns technological applications or processes, affects the enrichment of hotel services provided for people with disabilities and influences the technical-functional and organizational processes of hospitality. On this basis, innovation is a key factor of growth for any hotel, as it increases its competitiveness and sustainability through the utilization of the potential provided by the use of new innovative technological applications or processes for people with disabilities.
JEL Classification: L83, O30.
Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-01-010
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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-01-010
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