Optimization of Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (FSVM) Performance by Distance-Based Similarity Measure Classification

Sugiyarto Surono, Tia Nursofiyani, Annisa E. Haryati


This research aims to determine the maximum or minimum value of a Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (FSVM) Algorithm using the optimization function. As opposed to FSVM, which is less effective on large and complex data because of its sensitivity to outliers and noise, SVM is considered an effective method of data classification. One of the techniques used to overcome this inefficiency is fuzzy logic, with its ability to select the right membership function, which significantly affects the effectiveness of the FSVM algorithm performance. This research was carried out using the Gaussian membership function and the Distance-Based Similarity Measurement consisting of the Euclidean, Manhattan, Chebyshev, and Minkowsky distance methods. Subsequently, the optimization of the FSVM classification process was determined using four proposed FSVM models and normal SVM as comparison references. The results showed that the method tends to eliminate the impact of noise and enhance classification accuracy effectively. FSVM provides the best and highest accuracy value of 94% at a penalty parameter value of 1000 using the Chebyshev distance matrix. Furthermore, the model proposed will be compared to the performance evaluation model in preliminary studies. The result further showed that using FSVM with a Chebyshev distance matrix and a Gaussian membership function provides a better performance evaluation value.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-04-02

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FSVM; Membership Function Fuzzy; Classification; Distance-based Similarity Measure.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-04-02


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Copyright (c) 2021 Sugiyarto Surono, Tia Nursofiyani, Annisa Eka Haryati