Assessing the Impact of Digitalization and Technology on Patient Compliance in Healthcare Services

Catriona Planel-Ratna, Thanika Devi Juwaheer


Nowadays, technology is omnipresent and an integral part of everyday life. Because patient compliance is a determinant of the treatment outcome, it is therefore essential for medical staff to know and understand how technology can cause patients to rightly or poorly adhere to their treatment. The objectives of this research were to investigate the major technology-related factors, which affect patient compliance, assess patients` reactions which are associated to poor adherence to treatment and determine the right measures, attitudes and behaviors for healthcare professionals to adopt to optimize patient compliance. The research was undertaken using a mixed methods approach whereby the quantitative data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics while the qualitative data collected was analyzed using the Grounded Theory method. It was found that the vast amount of information and communication services offered by technology nowadays can adversely influence certain factors such as patients` trust, attitude, comprehension, apprehension, confusion, frustration, and personal emotions, which in turn can affect patient compliance. It was also found that technology could positively affect patient compliance as it offers interesting tools that can, for example, remind patients about their appointments, medications, and routines while they are undergoing treatment. This paper presents major insights on the impact of technology on patient compliance and helps healthcare organizations optimize the patient experience in the digital age.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-03-06

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Technology; Private Healthcare; Mauritius; Patient Compliance.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-03-06


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