Implementation of Boost PFC in the Induction Heating System for EMI–RFI Suppression
The present work deals with the design and performance analysis of a high frequency resonant inverter based Induction Heating (IH) system employing Boost Power Factor Correction (PFC) technique to overcome the problems due to EMI and RFI. Most of the existing techniques use passive filters for harmonics attenuation that fail to meet the present day requirements because of drawbacks like considerably high THD, poor dynamic performance, etc. This paper presents a new control approach for boost PFC based on inner and outer loops to eliminate the problems due to harmonics in the IH system. The equivalent circuit parameter model of the IH system has been used to analyze the presence of harmonics, and the incorporation of boost PFC at the input of the system shows its elimination as per the stringent EMI-RFI regulations. Moreover, attention has been paid to the design algorithm of the boost PFC, and a detailed mathematical analysis has been done to outline an approach for its parameter selection. A comparative analysis of the IH system with and without the incorporation of the boost PFC has been done in terms of the THD in the input current waveform. The findings of the present work show that the incorporation of Boost PFC eliminates the harmonics in the IH system in a better manner than the existing techniques.
Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-02-05
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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2021-02-02-05
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rahul Raman, Debanga Jyoti Baruah, Saurav Dey, Padmini Neog, Kritika Taniya Saharia