Consumer’s Personality Traits and Knowledge-sharing Behavior on Shoppertainment Platforms: The Mediating Role of Subjective Well-being and Trust

Thadathibesra Phuthong


Objectives: This research analyzed the direct and indirect influences of consumer personality on knowledge-sharing behavior through shoppertainment platforms using subjective well-being and trust as mediators. Methods/Analysis: A questionnaire survey was developed and distributed to 320 consumers with familiarity and experience in purchasing products from the TikTok shop and sharing knowledge, information, news, and purchasing experiences with the Thai TikTok community. This study adopted non-probability and purposive sampling techniques, with measurements and structural model assessments performed before hypothesis testing using the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) with SmartPLS statistical software. Findings: Extraversion and openness to experience had a direct positive influence on trust, while neuroticism showed a direct negative influence on trust. Extraversion had a direct positive influence on subjective well-being, while neuroticism showed a direct negative influence on subjective well-being. Both trust and subjective well-being directly influenced knowledge-sharing behavior on the shoppertainment platform. Extraversion and openness to experience positively influenced knowledge-sharing behavior on the shoppertainment platform via trust, while neuroticism negatively influenced knowledge-sharing behavior on the shoppertainment platform through trust. Importantly, extraversion, openness to experience, and agreeableness positively influenced knowledge-sharing behavior on the shoppertainment platform via subjective well-being, with neuroticism negatively influencing knowledge-sharing behavior on the platform through subjective well-being in the same manner. Novelty/Improvement:Results contribute to an improved understanding of the mechanisms of a robust and competitive online retail business model in the digital era that can best deliver business sustainability by elevating consumers’ knowledge-sharing behaviors to facilitate purchasing decisions on goods or services via shoppertainment platforms.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-014

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Personality Traits; Knowledge-Sharing Behavior; Shoppertainment Platform; Subjective Well-Being; Trust; TikTok.


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