Optimizing Container Fill Rates for the Textile and Garment Industry Using a 3D Bin Packing Approach

Nguyen Thi Xuan Hoa


The scarcity of empty containers presents a significant logistical challenge globally. To address this issue, this study proposes the application of the optimal box arrangement in a container with a 3D bin packing problem to enhance fill rates and accommodate the complex packing criteria of the textile and garment industry. The study’s objective is to optimize box stacking into containers by considering various factors such as multiple product types, diverse box sizes, varying container sizes, and prioritizing stacking according to purchase orders (PO). In tackling the NP-hard problem with the added constraint of PO-based stacking, this study advocates employing a genetic algorithm combined with a wall-building algorithm to address practical challenges. The genetic algorithm demonstrates optimal efficacy in solving large-scale optimization problems within specified timeframes, yielding high-quality results. In addition, normalization methods are applied to convert box sizes to pallet sizes, expediting problem-solving and facilitating the selection of appropriate container sizes, namely 20- or 40-feet. The research findings indicate that the proposed method achieved a container fill rate of up to 91.67% and minimized the number of containers used.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-02-017

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3D Bin Packing; Genetic Algorithm; Wall Building; Garment and Textile.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-02-017


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