Evaluating the Determinants of Young Runners' Continuance Intentions toward Wearable Devices

Zhaoxia Guo, Guoqing Liu, Zhiguo Liu, Asif Khan


Running has gained popularity as a fitness activity in China, with a growing number of young runners utilizing wearable devices to monitor their running routines and engage in quantified self-practices. The continuous evolution of wearable devices in terms of products and services has expanded the choices available to young runners. Therefore, there is a need to analyze the factors influencing the continuance intention of young runners, providing insights into how to promote the sustained growth of these products or services in the market. This study is grounded in the Technology Acceptance Model and the Theory of Planned Behavior, with an extension incorporating the quantified self to explore the impact of users' continuance intentions to use wearable devices. A survey was conducted among 468 young runners who already used wearable devices, and the data collected were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results indicate that perceived usefulness and attitudes from the Technology Acceptance Model positively influence intentions for continued use. Additionally, subjective norms according to the Theory of Planned Behavior positively influence continuance use intentions. However, perceived behavioral control does not have a significant effect on continuance use intentions. Conversely, the Quantified-Self positively influences continuance use intentions and partially mediates the relationship between perceived usefulness and continuance use intentions. This research has several theoretical implications for the Theory of Planned Behavior, the Technology Acceptance Model, and the Quantified-Self research construct. Moreover, this study has practical implications for practitioners concerning the adoption and acceptance of wearable devices by young people. This approach enables practitioners to target and implement precise strategies to meet the current demands of the young runner market.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-02

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Partial Least Squares (PLS); Structural Equation Model (SEM); Young Runners; Wearable Devices; Attitude; Quantified-Self; Continuance Intentions to Use.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Zhaoxia Guo, Guoqing Liu, Zhiguo Liu, Asif Khan