Big Data Analysis using Elasticsearch and Kibana: A Rating Correlation to Sustainable Sales of Electronic Goods

Henderi Henderi, Ranty Irawatia, Indra Indra, Deshinta Arrova Dewi, Tri Basuki Kurniawan


Big data collection involves enormous amounts of raw data. To boost the sustainability of corporate value and support business intelligence and decision-making systems, in-depth data analysis is necessary. The data storage, analysis, and visualization methods, as well as the discovery of patterns and linkages, all depend on extensive data analysis. This study aims to process datasets to learn things like how ratings impact market sales transactions and how much of an impact factor connected to consumers and items have on ratings. Elasticsearch and Kibana were used for the dataset processing. This study evaluated traits related to the test parameters using a variety of test procedures. The product is scored as a representation of the product types involved in the sales transaction, and the name is assessed as a reflection of the customer. Kibana and Elasticsearch, a full-text search engine, were used in this work to do extensive data analysis on data sets. It is a visualization tool that is employed in a controlled environment to evaluate how ratings impact market exchanges for electronic goods, and it offers suggestions. The study found a substantial relationship between electronic product sales on the Amazon marketplace from 2012 to 2018. It suggested the importance of buyer constituents as users and how different product categories relate to ratings in business transactions.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-03-09

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Big Data; Elasticsearch; Kibana; Rating; Decision-Making; Process Innovation; Consumers; Sustainability.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-03-09


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ranty Irawatia, Indra Indra, Tri Basuki Kurniawan, Deshinta Arrova Dewi, Henderi Henderi