System Architecture for IT Talent Ecosystem Using Service Oriented Approach

Ahmad Nurul Fajar, Stanley Limonthy, Josua J. Handopo, Fandy Purnawan, Adidharma E. Kesuma


The purpose of this research is to propose a System Architecture to facilitate the IT Talent ecosystem using a service-oriented approach. The need for this is important to support digital transformation in the IT Talent ecosystem. Human resources in the IT field are one of the key factors in implementing IT in organizations. However, the availability of IT human resources has not been able to meet the needs and challenges of the organization in synergizing IT and business. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the qualifications of IT human resources do not meet the existing competency standards. In this research, we use a service-oriented system development method. It consists of three stages, such as (1). Analysis and Observation, (2). Analysis from an in-depth interview, and (3) System Architecture Design, which includes Analysis Features of the Systems, Service Analysis and Identification, Specification of Architecture, and Layering. The novelty and findings of this research are a system architecture, which is called a middleware architecture, that can bridge entities in the IT Talent ecosystem to provide and use services to each other for support collaboration. In this study, we proposed a system architecture that acts as middleware to support collaboration and integration in the IT Talent ecosystem. We proposed TALENT-IT, which acts as a service bus mechanism. We used a service-oriented approach to develop this platform. The results of this study are: list of features, list of services, SOA layer, SOA architecture, and monetization feasibility and challenges.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-03

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IT Talent Ecosystem; SOA; Platform; Integration; Service Oriented; System Architecture.


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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-04-03


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