Implementation of Information and Communication Technology for Human Rights Awareness and Promotion
Information Technologies (ITs) are highly useful for human rights promotion globally. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have proved an influential tool in the fight against violations of human rights. ICT has long represented a way to strengthen human rights. Technology also means that individuals’ human rights are exposed to unprecedented risks, caused by the transition of these rights to the digital field. If we observe the different revolutions around the world, especially in countries that have had autocracy for a long period of time, they have been overruled with the help of ICTs. An analysis of the role of ICTs in human rights has been conducted. According to the study, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) play a critical role in raising awareness of and preventing violations of human rights for global citizens.
Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-01-05
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DOI: 10.28991/HIJ-2020-01-01-05
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