Exploring Self-Management Practices in SMES: Insights from an Initial Survey

Sh. Sarkambayeva, A. Akzambekkyzy, Satyanand Singh, A. Tsekhovoy


Self-managed teams are perceived as highly productive and have been actively studied in recent times. Considering this, the notion of the utility of establishing and cultivating such teams in small and medium-sized businesses in Kazakhstan has emerged, aiming to enhance their role in the country's economic development. Therefore, the authors of this article have resolved to conduct an empirical study on teams operating within the SMEs sector of Kazakhstan. This study aims to present the findings of an initial survey conducted among employees of small and medium-sized enterprises to characterize their self-management capacities and identify factors influencing their self-management abilities. For this purpose, representatives of teams in small and medium businesses in Kazakhstan were surveyed. The design of the survey questionnaire involved three field experts to validate and refine the questions. Findings reveal that approximately two-thirds of SME teams in Kazakhstan demonstrate characteristics of cross-functionality, diversity, motivation, and co-location, indicative of their self-managing nature. This suggests agile management's potential for organizational goals. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first empirical study aimed to investigate how far the teams in Kazakhstani enterprises are self-managed.


Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2024-05-03-016

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Project Management; Teamwork in Organizations; Research Project; Working in Teams; Teams; Business.


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Copyright (c) 2024 Sarkambayeva Sh, Akzambekkyzy Akbota, Satyanand Singh, Tsekhovoy Aleksei F